Bat Ye'or



                          Born in Cairo, Egypt
1955                  Egyptian nationality revoked.
1957                  Arrived in London as a stateless refugee.
1958-60             Institute of Archeology (University of London
1959 (Aug.)       Became British by marriage.
1960 (Oct.)        Moved to Switzerland. Permanent domicile
1961-62             University of Geneva (Social Sciences)
1960-64             Three children born
1969-2002         Research work and numerous publications.



1971  Les Juifs en Egypte (Geneva: Editions de l'Avenir, 1971)

1974  Yehudi Mitzraiyim (Jews in Egypt: Hebrew), rev. & enl. Trans. from French by Aharon Amir, with a preface
          by Prof. H.Z. Hirschberg (Tel Aviv: Maariv, with the Israel Ministry of Education, World Sephardi
          Organization, World Jewish Congress, 1974)

1980  Le Dhimmi: Profil de l'opprimé en Orient et en Afrique du Nord depuis la conquête arabe.
          (Paris: Anthropos, 1980)

1985  The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam, Enl. Preface by Jacques Ellul. Trans. from French by
          David Maisel, Paul Fenton and David Littman (Cranbury: NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press/
          Associated University Presses & London: AUP, 1985; 5th printing, 2001)

1986  Ha-Dhimmiim. B'nai Ha-Sout (The Dhimmi: Hebrew) Enl. Preface by Jacques Ellul. Introduction by
          Moshe Sharon. Trans. from English by Aharon Amir. (Jerusalem: Cana Press [CARTA], 1986)

1991  Les Chrétientés d'Orient entre Jihad et Dhimmitude: VIIe-XXe siècle. Préface by Jacques Ellul
          (Paris:Editions du Cerf, 1991)

1991  The Dhimmi (Russian). Trans. from English, 2 vol. (Jerusalem: Society, Research Jewish
          Communities/Aliya Library, 1991)

1994  Juifs et Chrétiens sous l'Islam: les dhimmis face au défi intégriste (Paris: Berg International, 1994)
          "Pensée Politique et Sciences Sociales", series directed by Pierre-André Taguieff)

1996  The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam. From Jihad to Dhimmitude: 7th - 20th
          Century. Enl. ed. Foreword by Jacques Ellul. Trans. from French by Miriam Kochan & David Littman
          (Cranbury,NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press/Associated University Presses; London: AUP,
          1996; 3rd printing 2002)

1999  "The Dhimmi Factor in the Exodus of Jews from Arab Countries" (pp. 33-51), in Coll. work (ed.)
          Malka Hillel Shulewitz, The Forgotten Millions. The Modern Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands
          (London/New York: Cassell, 1999; Continuum, 2000)

2001  "L'antisionisme euro-arabe" (pp.23-70), in [nouveaux] visages de l'antisémitisme: haine-passion ou
           haine historique? Coll. work (Paris: NM7 Editions, 2001)

2002   Islam and Dhimmitude. Where Civilizations Collide (Cranbury, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press/
           Associated University Presses and Lancaster, UK: Gazelle Book Services Ltd., 2002)

2002  Der Niedergang des orientalischen Christentums unter dem Islam. Zwischen Dschihad und Dhimmitude.
          7-20 Jahrhundert. Foreword by Heribert Busse. Trans. from French by Kurt Maier. Supervised by
          Heribert Busse (Gräfelfing, Germany: Resch Verlag, 2002)

A Selection of Articles over 30 years

1973  Une minorité chrétienne: les Coptes en Egypte (Centre d'Information et Documentation sur le
          Moyen-Orient/Geneva: Editions de l'Avenir, 1973)

1976   "A Christian Minority: The Copts in Egypt", Transl. by David Littman, Case Studies on Human Rights and
          Fundamental Freedoms: A World Survey, vol. IV, pp. 79-93 (The Hague, Martinus Nijhof, 1976)

1977  "Zionism in Islamic Lands: The Case of Egypt", Wiener Library Bulletin, (London: Institute of
          Contemporary History), No 30, n.s. 43/44, 1977, pp. 17-29. Republished (abridged)  in YOD 2/2,
          April 1977, pp. 81-97 (Paris: Publications Orientalistes de France)

1979  "Le Sionisme dans les pays islamiques: le cas de l'Egypte", (abridged) Le Second Israël, in
           Les Temps Modernes (Paris, 1979) No. 394BIS, 162-182

1979  "Aspects of the Arab-Israeli Conflict", Wiener Library Bulletin (London), No 32, n.s. 49/50, 1979,
          pp. 67-76; trans. in Gesher, (Hebrew Review Jewish Affairs), Jerusalem, Winter 1979

1977-1980  Peuples Dhimmi: Nations Mortes-Vivantes (1977); Dhimmi Peoples: Oppressed Nations (1978);
         Dhimmi Völker: Unterdrückte Nationen (1980) (C.I.D./Geneva: Editions de l'Avenir)

1978-1979  Peuples Dhimmi: "Oriental Jewry and the Dhimmi Image in Contemporary Arab Nationalism"
         (Lecture: Jews College, London, Seminar organized by The Jews in Arab Lands Committee).
         Chairman: Sir Harold Wilson, Sept. 5, 1978. (WOJAC - World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries/
         Editions de l'Avenir, Geneva, 1979)

1983  "Terres Arabes: Terres de Dhimmitude", in La Culture Sefardita I: "L'area e la storia",
          in La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, vol. 49, No. 1/2/3/4, Jan.-April 1983, pp. 94-102 (Rome, 1983)

1986  "Islam and the Dhimmis: Rejoinder" [to the article by Mark Cohen in JQ 38 (1986),
          pp. 125-137], in The Jerusalem Quarterly (1987): 42, pp. 83-88

1992  "Humiliante Dhimmitude: Juifs, Chrétiens et Musulmans en Terre Sainte", in Historama -
           Histoire Magazine (Paris), No. 106, December 1992, pp. 60-66

1994  "Bat Ye'or interviewed by Paul Giniewski", in Midstream (new York), Febr.-March 1994, pp. 16-19

1997  "Israel and the Ethos of Jihad" (trans. in Hebrew), in Nativ (Tel Aviv), Vol. 10, No. 1-2, Jan.-April,
          1997, pp.58-64
1997  "Dhimmitude: Jews and Christians under Islam", in Midstream (New York), Feb.-March 1997, pp. 9-12
1997  "Comment j'ai découvert la 'dhimmitude'", in Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), No. 48, 4e trimestre 1997,
          pp. 7-12
1998  "Islam, History and Taboo" in Midstream (New York), Feb.-March 1998, p. 7
2001  "Israel, Christianity, and Islam: The Challenge of the Future", in Midstream (New York), Feb.-March 2001,
          pp. 2-9
2002  "Juifs et chrétiens sous l'Islam: Dhimmitude et marcionisme" in Commentaire (Paris), Spring, 2002,
          No. 97, pp. 105-116
2002  "Jihad Conquests. Islamism Today" (with Andrew Bostom), National Review Online (New York),
          June 19, 2002
2002  "Jihad and Human Rights Today. An active ideology incompatible with universal standards of freedom
          and equality", National Review Online (New York), July 1, 2002
2002  "A Culture of Hate: A racism which denies the history and sufferings of its victims",
           National Review Online (New York), August 2, 2002
2002  "Islam, Taboo, and Dialogue. Reclaiming historic truths in seeking present-day solutions",
           National Review Online (New York), August 9, 2002

Testimony: U.S Congressional Hearings

1997   "Past is Prologue: The Challenge of Islamism Today. An Historical Overview of the Persecutions of
           Christians under Islam". Congressional Testimony at United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
           Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Hearing on Religious Persecution in the
           Middle East. (Congressional Records Testimony on May 1, 1997)
1997   Similar testimony delivered to a U.S. Congressional Human Rights Caucus (CHRC)
           Briefing on Capitol Hill (April 29, 1997)
2002  "Human Rights and the Concept of Jihad". Congressional Human Rights Caucus (CHRC)
          Briefing on Capitol Hill (February 8, 2002)

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